Backup Magento project files / db using bash script
I have googled for bash script to backup Magento sites/db but none of them worked for me the way I want. So I decided to create a custom bash script which is simple and does the job perfectly. I have...
View ArticleRun Magento database repair tool from CLI using Ruby’s Mechanize
Shell Scripting which is great for task automation, falls short when it comes to web browser automation. In case of Magento, using Shell script you can do many operations like Installation, Migration,...
View ArticleConfigure your Bash Shell for Magento 2 CLI Commands
One of the major improvement in Magento 2 is the introduction of CLI commands based on Symfony Console Component. CLI commands can perform multiple tasks. Some of them are: Installing Magento (and...
View ArticleBash Script: Create MySQL Database & User with Optional Password
I have been using DigitalOcean for my personal projects. And one repeated things that I had to do is the creation of MySQL database & user. I know I could have used some CPanel like GUIs and even...
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